个人gitee word count项目地址:
wc.exe [parameter] [input_file_name]
usage: WordCount.exe [-h] [-c] [-w] [-l] [-s] [-a] [-e [E]] [-o OUTPUT] [-x] infile
positional arguments:infile
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit-c, --character show the number of characters-w, --word show the number of words-l, --line show the number of lines-s, --recursive process files in the current directory recursively-a, --all count detailed data that includes the amount of code line,blank line, comment line-e [E] count words without stop words in a given filename-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT-x, --interface show the interface of this program2.PSP2.1表格
PSP2.1 | PSP阶段 | 预估耗时 (分钟) | 实际耗时 (分钟) |
Planning | 计划 | 20 | 30 |
· Estimate | · 估计这个任务需要多少时间 | 420 | 840 |
Development | 开发 | 240 | 600 |
· Analysis | · 需求分析 (包括学习新技术) | 60 | 100 |
· Design Spec | · 生成设计文档 | 30 | 0 |
· Design Review | · 设计复审 (和同事审核设计文档) | 50 | 0 |
· Coding Standard | · 代码规范 (为目前的开发制定合适的规范) | 30 | 0 |
· Design | · 具体设计 | 60 | 40 |
· Coding | · 具体编码 | 420 | 400 |
· Code Review | · 代码复审 | 30 | 60 |
· Test | · 测试(自我测试,修改代码,提交修改) | 30 | 40 |
Reporting | 报告 | 30 | 0 |
· Test Report | · 测试报告 | 30 | 0 |
· Size Measurement | · 计算工作量 | 10 | 10 |
· Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan | · 事后总结, 并提出过程改进计划 | 60 | 0 |
| 合计 | 1520 | 580 |
def parse_args(parser): """ parse command line input :param parser: current argument parser :return: arg :type: dict """ # add command arguments, -c,-w,-l... parser.add_argument("-c", "--character", action="store_true", help="show the amount of characters") parser.add_argument("-w", "--word", action="store_true", help="show the amount of words") parser.add_argument("-l", "--line", action="store_true", help="show the amount of lines") parser.add_argument("-s", "--recursive", action="store_true", help="process files in current directory recursively") parser.add_argument("-a", "--all", action="store_true", help="count detailed data that includes amount of code line, blank line, comment line") parser.add_argument("-e", nargs="?", default="stopword.txt", help="count words without stop words in given name") parser.add_argument("infile") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output") parser.add_argument("-x", "--interface", action="store_true", help="show the interface of this program") # here does all the processing work args = parser.parse_args() return args
def handle_parameters(args): """do different works according to the result of args :param args: the parsed argument dict :return: dict """ # check if input filename type is file we can handle if not is_valid_file_name(args.infile): print("error:{} is not a valid file name!".format(args.infile)) return result_dic = {} # if -x is inside command line option, exit after finishing if args.interface: app = wx.App() frm = MyFrame1(None) frm.Show() app.MainLoop() return # if we need to handle valid files recursively, we should void checking input filename, # for example, *.cpp, we can‘t open this file, we should get it suffix instead. if args.recursive: # get each filename and check whether it's the file we should handle. for each_file in list(get_file_recursively(os.getcwd())): if not is_valid_file_name(each_file): continue # split filename to compare it's suffix if not each_file.split(".")[1] == args.infile.split(".")[1]: continue # set default output filename cur_file_result_dic = {OUTPUT_FILENAME: "result.txt"} # read file content with open(each_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: file_content = f.read() # args is a dict itself, and all the actions have been set to store_true, # so we can just get this item to check whether it's true and do the corresponding function. if args.character: cur_file_result_dic[CHARACTER_COUNT_RESULT] = count_character(file_content) if args.word: cur_file_result_dic[WORD_COUNT_RESULT] = count_word(file_content, args.e) if args.line: cur_file_result_dic[LINE_COUNT_RESULT] = count_line(file_content) if args.output: cur_file_result_dic[OUTPUT_FILENAME] = args.output if args.all: cur_file_result_dic[CODE_LINE_COUNT] = count_code_line(file_content) cur_file_result_dic[BLANK_LINE_COUNT] = count_blank_line(file_content) cur_file_result_dic[COMMENT_LINE_COUNT] = count_comment_line(file_content) # record to result_dic of each file result_dic[each_file] = cur_file_result_dic # if not recursive mode else: # same process cur_file_result_dic = {OUTPUT_FILENAME: "result.txt"} file_content = is_valid_file(args.infile).read() if args.character: cur_file_result_dic[CHARACTER_COUNT_RESULT] = count_character(file_content) if args.word: cur_file_result_dic[WORD_COUNT_RESULT] = count_word(file_content, args.e) if args.line: cur_file_result_dic[LINE_COUNT_RESULT] = count_line(file_content) if args.output: cur_file_result_dic[OUTPUT_FILENAME] = args.output if args.all: cur_file_result_dic[CODE_LINE_COUNT] = count_code_line(file_content) cur_file_result_dic[BLANK_LINE_COUNT] = count_blank_line(file_content) cur_file_result_dic[COMMENT_LINE_COUNT] = count_comment_line(file_content) # os.getcwd is to keep the same format of input files # so that we can handle it same way in write to file function. result_dic[os.getcwd() + args.infile] = cur_file_result_dic return result_dic
这里我们通过获取argparse解析过了的args来获得对应的命令。解析过后的args是一个字典,通过设定的参数获取,之前在add_argument方法中我们设置action为store_true,这里直接判断特定命令是否存在来调用相对应的方法。这里要注意的是必须得先判断是否显示User interface,如果是,后面的命令就不用再执行了,可以直接通过界面来操作。
def write_to_file(result_dic, mode="w"): """write or append data to file :param result_dic: result dict :param mode: file process mode :return: none """ # Cause I store output file path inside of each input filename dict, # so we have to go inside the dict to get output file path. # bad design of data structure leads to bad code. result_file_path = "" if result_dic is None: return for each_key in result_dic.keys(): result_file_path = result_dic[each_key].get(OUTPUT_FILENAME) break if result_file_path == "" or result_file_path is None: return # if output file path is valid # start writing with open(result_file_path, mode, encoding="utf-8") as f: for each_key in result_dic.keys(): # remove prefix f.write(each_key[len(os.getcwd()) + 1:] + ",") f.write("字符数," + str(result_dic[each_key].get(CHARACTER_COUNT_RESULT)) + ",") if result_dic[each_key].get( CHARACTER_COUNT_RESULT) is not None else None f.write("单词数," + str(result_dic[each_key].get(WORD_COUNT_RESULT)) + ",") if result_dic[each_key].get( WORD_COUNT_RESULT) is not None else None f.write("行数," + str(result_dic[each_key].get(LINE_COUNT_RESULT)) + ",") if result_dic[each_key].get( LINE_COUNT_RESULT) is not None else None f.write("代码行数," + str(result_dic[each_key].get(CODE_LINE_COUNT)) + ",") if result_dic[each_key].get( COMMENT_LINE_COUNT) is not None else None f.write("注释行数," + str(result_dic[each_key].get(COMMENT_LINE_COUNT)) + ",") if result_dic[each_key].get( COMMENT_LINE_COUNT) is not None else None f.write("空白行数," + str(result_dic[each_key].get(BLANK_LINE_COUNT)) + ",") if result_dic[each_key].get( BLANK_LINE_COUNT) is not None else None f.write("\n")
WordCount -oWordCount test.cppWordCount -o test.cppWordCount -x test.cppWordCount -l -c -w test.cppWordCount -l -c -a -o result_test.cpp test.cppWordCount -l -c -a -w -s *.cpp WordCount -l -c -a -w -s -e stop_word.txt *.cpp WordCount -l -c -a -w -s *.cpp
WordCount -o
WordCount test.cpp
WordCount -o test.cpp
WordCount -x test.cpp
WordCount -l -c -w test.cpp
WordCount -l -c -a -o result_test.cpp test.cpp
#include// hello this is commentint main(){ printf("Hello world!"); return 0; /* // this is test */}
WordCount -l -c -a -w -s -e stop_word.txt *.cpp
WordCount -l -c -a -w -s *.cpp
stop word 为include
《构建之法--现代软件工程》 --邹新 [第三版]
本次项目做下来感触颇深,看完项目需求之后本以为自己能在四个小时之内把代码的工作全部做完,然而整个项目前前后后大概花了十五-二十个小时才粗糙地完成所有的项目需求,远远超出我的预期。一开始以为耗时最多的会使实现功能上面,实际做项目的过程中发现耗时最多的是学习第三方模块的使用方式和各个命令的逻辑顺序。之前对argparse有所耳闻,但自己从来没有动手写过命令行项目,所以也并没有特意去了解argparse模块的用法。这次项目在刚开始使用的这一模块的时候碰到了很多问题,当时对inplace command和optional command的区别没有什么了解,也不知道该怎么添加一个带参数的optional command,所以就花了很多时间在看文档上面。这次项目做完过后,我也算是初步掌握了argparse模块的使用方法,希望能在以后的项目上用上这一模块。 在这次项目里面,有一个需求是对单词的匹配,使用常规的方法固然可以做到这一需求,然而很早之前了解了部分正则表达式的相关内容,这里也刚好是匹配需求,所以我就思考能不能用正则表达式来做到对单词的匹配。之前看过很多正则表达式,但从来没有亲手写过,这次的正则表达式虽说简单,我也犯了很多错误,最后才终于实现了单词的匹配。总体来说,这次项目难度中等,耗时较长,代码不够规范,注释添加的很少,这是我下次编码的时候需要注意的,不能每次都等代码写完了再回头写注释,而应该在写代码的过程中就添加好注释。 孔子曾经说过:“吾听吾忘,吾见吾记,吾做吾悟”,我应该秉承这种学习态度,在实践中感悟,在实践中成长。